Grassy Notes Top Matcha Picks

These are my absolute favorite matchas! Any blend listed here is one I have deeply enjoyed and would recommend to anyone. It includes matchas in the Ceremonial, Every Day, and Latte categories. This is a living list that is modified as new blends are reviewed and new favorites are identified. If you are looking for a new blend, first consider what effect and experience you want from your matcha to identify a matcha category. Then look to that category to explore your options. I personally like to keep one of each on hand for the various needs of the week.


The cream of the crop! These are the highest grade blends that will typically have low astringency and be rich in umami and mossy notes. These blends will have a high price point and are best when consumed in a traditional preparation with just water. Some may find these blends to taste unusual and require time to adjust to the intense chlorophyll flavors. These blends are well suited to writing, meditating, and deep contemplation.


What I am calling Every Day matcha are blends that will generally be marketed as Ceremonial. These blends are versatile in the ways they can be prepared. They do well on their own, but are also enhanced by a splash of milk. They are a bit more energetic than Ceremonial blends and have higher astringency notes. These blends are well suited for physical work, mental alertness, and a caffeine kick. These are my go-to blends during the week for getting the day started. Every Day blends are generally mid-range in price.


These blends are best when combined with milk and milk alternatives. In fact, without any additions they will likely taste quite harsh. Latte blends will have high astringency and bitterness that cut through milk to create a dynamic taste. A Latte blend will be in a lower price range when compared to an Every Day or Ceremonial blend. These blends are well suited for cold brew preparations, afternoon caffeine kicks, and flavored drink preparations such sparkling matcha. I’ve also included some unusual blends in this category that are not late blends, but create special flavors when combined with milk.


Shades Of Matcha


How To Buy The Best Matcha