Matcha Froth
Foam, Forth, Crema…
That mysterious cloud-like layer made by vigorous whisking, and one of the standards for a five star matcha review. It is often said that it takes years of practice to master the art of matcha frothing. I am no whisking master, but after experimenting with a few matcha blends, foamability clearly varies from blend to blend. The ideal froth is uniform with small bubbles and forms an even layer across the entire matcha surface. When you know your crema, you will also know the background of your matcha powder.
All these components come together and interact to create matcha foam and affect its stability over time. Cultivation is where it all begins, but there are a few things we as consumers can manipulate for better frothing. Bellow is my experiment observing the effects of water temperature, powder to water ratio, and whisking time on froth quality. Results reveal that powder to water ratio and whisking time have the greatest impact on how frothy matcha gets. My particular results show that using 3 scoops of matcha and whisking for 60+ seconds produces the best froth. Water temperature had less of an effect on foam than the other variables. And yes, this experiment required making 9 different matchas in one day. It was a very happy day.